Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The numerati have invaded my local supermarket

They come in the form of a Motorola shopping scanner, currently available at my local Shop and Stop. The scanner is a portable barcode scanner that you take along with you while shopping and allows you to self checkout your groceries as you shop.

Shopping with a scanner provides many conveniences including: 
  • Knowing exactly how much an item you are putting in your cart is
  • Not having to wait online when you are done shopping
  • Engages your 5 year old boy (who would rather be home) in the grocery shopping experience, while providing a learning opportunity for him -  he would read out the prices as he scanned the items

But how high is the price for this new convenience?

To use the scanner you have to sign up for the store's shoppers club card which means they have your address which means they are going to be sending tons of junk in the mail. 
Each brand's marketing people will now be able to identify me as a client and who knows what else they will do with my information.

But as an advocate for technology I am excited when I see it used to enhance mundane life activities like grocery shopping  and makes me think where else would I like to see such a scanner?
